Monday, May 13, 2024

Reality TV Star Yvonne: "I Would Rather Stick To A Rich Cheating Man Than Be With Faithful Broke Partner."

Yvonne Godwin, a former housemate of Big Brother Titans, has stated that she would prefer to be in a relationship with a wealthy spouse who cheats than with a devoted but impoverished man.

The reality TV star reportedly said this during an interview on Cool FM's Big Friday Show With Tach in Lagos, according to Naija News.

Yvonne says that as long as there is mutual respect, she is not against cheating.

"I'd rather date a rich guy who cheats on me than a faithful, broke man," the woman declared.

"Men are the same." Do you see that cash? Money cannot be removed from a relationship. Not that I'm advocating for cheating. I beg you, don't let me down.

"The worst thing, you know? When a financially strapped man betrays you, it seems like twice the pain. Therefore, I would prefer to stay with a wealthy man who would apologize and carry on. However, I detest disrespect, especially when it occurs on a public forum, therefore I am upset when it becomes excessive. I value respect a great deal. So I'm going to leave if you treat me disrespectfully."

BBSpeaking candidly about her relationship breakup due to premarital sex, Naija Ifuennada
Iheme Faith Uloma, better known as Ifuennada, who was a housemate on Big Brother Naija, revealed that her refusal to have premarital sex caused the relationship to terminate.

According to Naija News, in a video that was uploaded on her Instagram page, the reality star brashly stated her opposition to having sex before marriage.

"I'll always say no to premarital s*x even if it breaks my heart," was her caption for the video. God supreme over humankind.

Ifuennada disclosed in a different post that her partner had treated her disrespectfully and with humiliation because of her opposition to having sex before marriage.

The reality TV personality stated, "I put my trust in God's divine plans, and I focus on pleasing Him rather than pursuing earthly relationships," despite the agony.

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